Sunday, January 19, 2025

Praline Pecan Recipe with free printout - "Always Remember to Pray and Lean on the Lord"

Living in Las Vegas we don't have many places to buy pralines.  Whenever we visit the East  and South we love to get pralines, especially at the Buc-ees gas stations.  

So this Christmas I thought that it would be fun to try to make some pralines to give out as gifts.

I looked online and found this recipe on allrecipes:

Then I went to work!

The first batch came out like this:

The pralines spread all over and ran into each other.  They also didn't harden.  The second attempt wasn't any better.  So on my third attempt I tried cooking them a little longer (just to firm ball stage or 245 deg.).  I also poured the hot pralines into cupcake liners.

Once the pralines were hard, they peeled right out and had the perfect circle shape.  

The cupcake liners worked great, as long as you didn't leave them in the liner for more than a day.  If they were in for longer than a day the paper stuck to the praline.  This was a little embarrassing because I gave a few people pralines with liners on them.

I discovered a way to save the pralines that stuck to the cupcake paper.  I put them in a zip lock with a couple of pieces of bread and left zipped in the bag for about an hour.  The paper peeled right off the praline and I saved my pralines!

Here is the recipe that worked for me:

I found some cute bags at Walmart to put the pralines in. 
 I could get about 5 or 6 pralines per bag.

I also came up with the cute Pray-Lean slogan to 
"Always Remember to Pray and Lean on the Lord".

Here are my printouts. 
 I have several different versions to choose from.

The black and white version:

The heart version:

The flower version:

I hope that yours turn out great!  

Please check out some of my other Christmas ideas here:

Saturday, January 18, 2025

Pickleball Survival Kit - Free Printout - "Dink the Halls with Pickleballs", or "The Best Bruises Come with Polka dots - Die Hard Pickler"

Most mornings you can find me on the pickleball court with my awesome pickleball buddies.

Even on the first day of the New Year you can find us in freezing cold weather, ready to play a game.

Because of this, I needed a fun gift to give to my buddies, so I came up with the pickleball survival kit.

In my survival kit I included:

    A quality pickleball

    A quality sports drink packet

    A yummy protein bar

    A soft towel

    A cute pair of pickleball earrings for my closest        friends

    Band-Aids or ointment if it's for my bruise kit.

Most importantly for my survival kit I needed a cute Christmas card, or tag.  This is what I came up with:

I thought it would also be fun to have a darker version to give out for a Halloween, or any occasion. 

If you love this please check out my many other Christmas ideas here.

I also have some great Halloween ideas here.