
Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Easy to Make Grinch Ornaments

For our Grinchmas Christmas Parties we needed a Grinch Ornament to make.   After scouring for ideas, I just went to Michael's to see what I could find.  For just a few dollars I found these foam craft ornaments with just the right color green for the Grinch.

We used the light green one for the base of the Grinch.  

For the hat we cut off the tip of the red foam ornament.  You can see the example of how it was cut by looking at the dark green foam on the right.  Then we glued the red hat onto the light green foam ornament.  From there we added the yellow candy monster eyes that I bought during Halloween.  If you can't find any you can color the white ones yellow.

or you can make your own eyes with yellow and red foam.  Use a sharpie marker for the nose, mouth and eyebrows.  We used a cotton ball for the trim on the hat.

For the hair we used the leftover scraps from my other Grinch projects.  I bought the green fur at JoAnn's.

One of our crafters added a part of the poem printout that you can find here.

Here's an example a some of our finished Grinches.
We had a blast! 

Plus your guests get a keepsake to remember the fun 
Grinchmas Party.

Click on the pictures below to see my other fun Grinch ideas.

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