I always hate to throw away gift bags from the store, so I try to recycle them when I can. This bag I got from the Williams Sonoma Store and it was the perfect size.
I needed to cover the logo, so I made each flip flop about half the width of the logo.
Here is my pattern. If you copy it and paste it into your WORD program, then you can re-size it to the size that you need.
Then I folded a piece of scrapbook paper in half, drew my pattern on the back side, and cut out both flip flops at the same time:
After the flip flops were cut out, I poked a hole for the toe straps with a skewer stick. I also used the skewer to poke the ribbon threw the holes:
Then I taped the ribbons to the back side of the flip flop and repeated the same procedure
with the other flip flop:
Then I glued both flip flops onto the bag, making sure that I covered the logo:
Lastly I hot glued flowers in the toes and a rhinestone in the middle. I think that it turned out cute and I saved a bag from the trash.
The back side I decorated a little different. I just printed out a sign from microsoft Word and then glued some of the extra scrapbook paper around it to match the front. I also added a flower with a rhinestone.
Here are some other bags that I have done:
I also found this fun project where a lady on smallforbig painted plain bags. I thought that they were so cute and colorful that I will have to try it.
Just click on the link to see how she made them.
Here are some more fun flip flop centered projects:
Decorate flip flops with ribbon and beads:
Make a flip flop wreath: