
Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Decorating T-Shirts With Bleach

On our family reunion vacations we like to do crafts as a family.  Every year we like to decorate t-shirts.  This year we decided to decorate our t-shirts with bleach.  We used two different techniques:

1.       The bleach pen

2.       Bleach spray with stencils

I bought some foam letters with sticky backing, along with sticker dots and some bleach pens.  We also filled a spray bottle with bleach. 
I explained to everyone how it worked and let them just come up with their own ideas.

We lined the shirts with card board boxes.  I read that you can iron on freezer paper onto the inside of the shirts.  That probably would have worked better, but we had to just go with what we had.

Once each person had the design that they wanted, we rinsed off the shirts with the hose.

Almost everyone went back and added some more details to their shirts. 

What was cool is that the bleach spray could look like sand, or stars, or mist.  Remember that, less is best with the spray.  It might not seem like you have enough on, but we actually like the look of the ones that had less bleach.  We found that going back and adding more bleach with the pen, or the spray gave the shirts more dimension.

When we were all done with our shirts we washed them in the washing machine, then dried them in the dryer.

It was a lot of fun and everyone loved their cool new shirt.

Here is another project that I did for a family vacation .  Check out how I did it by clicking on the picture below:

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