
Monday, July 9, 2018

Have a Nice Poop - Free Bathroom Printout

I have just finished redoing my basement bathroom.  I had a spot on the wall across from the toilet that I needed some art work.  I just happen to come across this saying online and thought that it would be hilarious to put on the wall.  So I went to work to make a sign and here is what I came up with.  

If you would like one also just click on it to make it large.  Then right click and save it into your pictures.  Then you can print it out like you would a picture or use your favorite printing program.

Here's my son's reaction to the sign that he sent to the family on Snapchat.

I love you to the beach and back towel rack

I just redid my basement bathroom and decided to do a beach theme.  I had a piece of leftover wood from a backyard wedding that we did for my son.  Aha,  I realized that I could make a cute beach sign for my bathroom.  Here's how I did it.

I played with fonts on my computer until I found one that I liked.  A great place for a variety of free fonts is fontspace.

Then I printed out a copy to use for my towel rack.

I drew some guidelines in chalk and layed the hooks on to see if it was spaced right.

Then I chalked in my words.

Here is my towel rack after I painted it.  Once it is completely dry you can wipe off the chalk with a damp cloth.

Here it is in my basement bathroom, all ready for company.