
Sunday, August 30, 2015

LDS Gifts from the Doctrine and Covenants - Picture and Quote by Joseph Smith, Holy Ghost Comforter

Here are a couple of ideas for gifts for any Church of Jesus Christ occasion.  One is a Joseph Smith quote, the other is the gift of a blanket with a quote of the Holy Ghost.

A few years ago I gave the students a gift for coming to Seminary and being a part of my class.  That year my husband and I were leaving for Guatemala at the end of Seminary, so I had to come up with a quick and cheap gift to give to my class.  On pinterest I found this great printout from the Idea Door.  I really appreciate that they took the time to post this so that I could use it for my class.  Just click on the picture below to take you to the web page for this printout.

I found some cheap (but cute) frames from the Dollar Tree store.  I printed out the above quote in 4x6 size and put them in the picture frame.  There you have it! A cheap and easy gift that they students will have to remember their year of seminary.  

I also found this candy on clearance after Easter.  I think that I only paid 20 cents for it.  I thought it was a fun and cheap addition to my picture frame.  I always look through the holiday clearance and try to adapt whatever I find.  

I tied the two gifts together and added a personal note to each gifts. The students loved them!  

Holy Ghost Comforter

After Christmas you can find the soft fleece blankets for really cheap.  This is a great opportunity for a gift for students, or for someone who is recently baptized.  Here's how I put mine together.

I printed out the above scripture onto blue cardstock.  Then I cut them out.

I found these awesome Cuddleduds blanket on clearance at Sam's Club.  You could just tie it to that with a cute bow, or...

You could wrap it up in some celophane, add a bow and use it as a gift tag.  That is what I did, and the kids LOVED it!  Who doesn't love a nice soft blanket, or the gift of the Holy Ghost?

I hope that you can use some of these ideas for your students.

Socks for LDS Seminary Birthday or Christmas Gift - Ponder the Path of Thy Feet

And here is another version that I just made that wraps around the sock.  I changed the title to "Faith in Every Footstep."

I like to give my Seminary students a little gift for their birthday.  After searching high and low at the Deseret Book and Seagull Book I was still at a loss for a cheap, but meaningful gift.  I couldn't seem to find anything for under a few dollars.  What was cheap, looked cheap.  Then I remembered an outlet pajama store in Logan UT that sold socks for $1 a pair.  That seemed like a perfect price.  Then I went to the and looked up the word Feet.  I found this great talk by President Monson entitled Ponder the Path of Thy Feet.

His quote was perfect for this year's study of the Old Testament.  I made up this little printout to attach to the socks when I give them to the students as a gift.

This idea can be used for just about anything - Visiting Teaching, Primary or Young Men or Young Women's.

Here is a multiple printout that you can use for your students.  Just click on the picture to make it large.  Then save it into your pictures or copy and paste it into your printing program.

Here is the wrap around version:

I used mine for a DUP gift.  Here's where I added the tag.

And here is a Christmas printable just for you!

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Pink Lemonade Sugar Scrub Recipe with free printout tags

I got a jar of Raspberry Lemonade Sugar Scrub at a bridal shower and just loved it.  It left my skin so soft and smooth.  I loved the way the coconut oil felt on my skin.  When I ran out of the sugar scrub I went online to  see if I could find the recipe.  

While shopping for the ingredients I decided that I could make mine a little bit cheaper and easier. After-all I don't really think that a $13 bottle of organic coconut oil is that important for scrubbing the dirt off of my skin.  I found a $4 bottle of LouAna Coconut Oil in the baking isle.  It was perfect for this project.

I emptied the Coconut Oil into a medium mixing bowl and melted it in the microwave for about 35 seconds.  When it was done I added the three Pink Lemonade unsweetened Kool-aid packets and a few drops of red food coloring.  Then I mixed in the sugar a half a cup at a time until it was very thick.  It took about 4 cups of sugar.

When I was done I put it into small jelly jars to give to my friends.
It fills about 10 jelly jars.

I tried it in the bath and love it!  It actually smells better than the organic fancy one that I used before!

Here are the printout tags that go with it.  To use them click on the picture to make it larger.  Right click on your mouse and save it into your pictures or copy and paste it into your printing program.


I also have a version with fresh lemons if you don't mind the extra work.  It also comes with a free printable gift tag.
Check it out!

Or you can make a Cheshire Cat Alice in Wonderland themed body scrub.